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Saturday, September 21, 2019

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Date : 2002-11-29

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Conventions of Scientific Authorship Science AAAS ~ Pardis Sabeti published her first scientific paper when she was an undergraduate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Her name had appeared in acknowledgment sections before but that was the first time she was listed as an author—and she was first on the author list

Guidance on Authorship in Scholarly or Scientific ~ Accordingly all scholarly or scientific publications involving faculty staff students andor trainees arising from academic activities performed under the auspices of Yale University must include appropriate attribution of authorship and disclosure of relevant affiliations of those involved in the work as described below

Ethics of authorship in scientific publications ~ Authorship should be based on the contribution provided by each author who has made a significant scientific contribution to a study Credit of authorship has important academic social and financial implications and is bound by guidelines which aid in preserving transparency during writing and publication of research material so as to prevent violation of ethics

Authorship on Scientific and Scholarly Publications Policy ~ It is recognized that definitions of authorship differ among the various scientific disciplines and professional journals as may standards for “substantial” and “scholarly effort” and the extent to which authors must participate in scholarship and authorship For example designdevelopment of research equipment

Authorship policies of scientific journals ~ INTRODUCTION Authorship on scientific papers is one of the most contentious issues in research ethics 1–5 Because authorship is important for career advancement peer recognition and prestige disputes often arise about who may be named as an author on a paper One of the factors driving the steady increase in the number of authors per paper since the 1960s is the desire to receive

Authorship Whos on first Naturejobs ~ “As authorship is our academic currency it tends to be a hotbutton topic” says Karen Peterson scientific ombudsman at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle Washington

22 Authorship and Authorship Responsibilities Council ~ Trust is fundamental to scientific communication trust that the authors have accurately reported their methods and findings trust that authors have disclosed all potential conflicts of interest and trust that editors have exercised sufficient diligence to ensure accurate reporting and disclosure by authors Unfortunately problems with authorship are not uncommon and can threaten the

Academic authorship Wikipedia ~ Academic authorship of journal articles books and other original works is a means by which academics communicate the results of their scholarly work establish priority for their discoveries and build their reputation among their peers Authorship is a primary basis that employers use to evaluate academic personnel for employment promotion and tenure

Authorship policies Nature ~ To ensure that authors are familiar with these changes we will shortly require the corresponding author to confirm that he or she has read the Nature journal policies on author responsibilities

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