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Date : 2002-07-01
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Category : Book

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Hersheys Kisses Subtraction Book Jerry Pallotta Rob ~ Hersheys Kisses Subtraction Book Paperback – July 1 2002 by Jerry Pallotta Author
Hersheys Kisses Subtraction Book by Jerry Pallotta ~ This book is intended to help young students understand and comprehend the rules and the idea of subtraction Using Hersheys Kisses and bright illustrations the author of this book does a great job engaging students
Hersheys Kisses Subtraction Book Jerry Pallotta Rob ~ Hersheys Kisses Subtraction Book Jerry Pallotta Rob Bolster on FREE shipping on qualifying offers Author and educator Jerry Pallotta teaches children subtraction in this tastylooking book featuring the wellknown chocolate Hersheys Kisses Children love chocolate And what better way to teach them the basics of subtraction than with yummy Hersheys Kisses
Hersheys Kisses Subtraction Book Jerry Pallotta ~ Hersheys Kisses Subtraction Book Jerry Pallotta on FREE shipping on qualifying offers Uses Hersheys Kisses to teach subtraction
The Hersheys Kisses Subtraction Book by Jerry Pallotta ~ The Hersheys Kisses Subtraction Book By Rob Bolster Jerry Pallotta Grades PreKK 12 Genre NonFiction Author and educator Jerry Pallotta teaches children subtraction in this tastylooking book featuring the wellknown chocolate Hersheys KissesChildren love chocolate way to teach them the basics of subtraction than with
Book 2 The Hersheys Kisses Subtraction Book Miss ~ The Hersheys Kisses Subtraction Book emphasizes hands on subtraction with Hersheys kisses The story does not have a main character or a main storyline instead the math is the main focus All of the math problems are centered around a clown and Hersheys kisses in different situations like a museum a billboard and balloons at a carnival
The Hersheys Kisses Subtraction Book by Jerry Pallotta ~ Buy The Hersheys Kisses Subtraction Book by Jerry Pallotta Rob Bolster Illustrator online at Alibris We have new and used copies available in 4 editions starting at 099 Shop now
Hersheys Kisses Addition Book Jerry Pallotta Rob ~ Hersheys Kisses Addition Book Jerry Pallotta Rob Bolster on FREE shipping on qualifying offers Illustrations featuring Hersheys Kisses demonstrate the basic rules of addition
Hersheys Kisses Addition Book by Jerry Pallotta ~ Hersheys Kisses Addition Book by Jerry Pallotta is an educational book on addition The author describes addition in a fun way that will interest kids I enjoyed reading Jerry Pallottas book about adding because it got me thinking about different activities that I could do with my students in the future
The Hersheys Kisses Addition Book by Jerry Pallotta ~ The Hersheys Kisses Addition Book by Jerry Pallotta The Action of Subtraction by Brain Cleary Duration Childrens book read aloud WHO WILL SEE THEIR SHADOW THIS YEAR
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