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Date : 2002-05-01
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Reads or Downloads My America: Freedom's Wings: Corey's Underground Railroad Diary, Book One Now
My America Freedoms Wings Coreys Underground Railroad ~ Corey records his daily life on the Hart farm with incredible insight and honesty and later he describes the difficult journey along the Underground Railroad to the North to be reunited with his father With the help of many kind strangers Corey his parents and his new baby sister arrive afely in Canada Read more Read less
My America Freedoms Wings Coreys Underground Railroad ~ My America Freedoms Wings Coreys Underground Railroad Diary Book One by Wyeth Sharon Dennis Scholastic Press 2002 Mass Market Paperback on FREE shipping on qualifying offers My America Freedoms Wings Coreys Underground Railroad Diary Book One by Wyeth Sharon Dennis Published by Scholastic Press
My America Flying Free Coreys Underground Railroad ~ In this sequel to My America Freedoms Wings Corey Birdsong and his family have escaped slavery and the South and found refuge in Canada This book is part of the relaunch of the My America series
My America Paperback Coreys Underground Railroad Diary ~ Summary Freedom Wings is the first book in a series about a young boys journey through the underground railroad Corey and his family are forced to flee a Kentucky plantation and head towards the underground railroad They are fed up with slavery and will do anything to insure this isnt the life they will live forever
Freedoms Wings My America Coreys Underground Railroad ~ Corey makes it safely to America with the help of the Underground Railroad This book would be a perfect read for students just starting out to read This is a historical fiction book about a little nineyearold boy named Corey
Freedoms Wings Scholastic ~ Freedoms Wings Coreys Underground Railroad Diary Discussion Guide A discussion guide for Freedoms Wings Coreys Diary Kentucky to Ohio 1857 by Sharon Dennis Wyeth part of the My America historical fiction series
My America Message In The Sky Coreys Underground ~ This is book three of Coreys Underground Railroad Diary It is an exciting tale of how Corey is left in Michigan and finds two slaves who he helps get into Canada Corey also hatches a plan to save his friend Queen from slavery Found out how this story unfolds but reading Message in the Sky
Freedoms Wings Coreys Underground Railroad Diary ~ A discussion guide for Freedoms Wings Coreys Diary Kentucky to Ohio 1857 by Sharon Dennis Wyeth part of the My America historical fiction series
Freedoms Wings Coreys Underground Railroad Diary Book One ~ All about Freedoms Wings Coreys Underground Railroad Diary Book One by Sharon Dennis Wyeth LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers
Message in the Sky Coreys Underground Railroad Diary ~ To the Discussion Leader Message in the Sky Coreys Underground Railroad Diary is the third book in the My America series about Corey written for youngsters in the seven to tenyearold range In the first book Freedoms Wings author Sharon Dennis Wyeth creates the exciting story of Corey and his family as they make their flight to freedom in Canada from slavery in Kentucky
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