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Date : 1997-03-01
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Geostatistical Error Management Quantifying Uncertainty ~ Geostatistical Error Management will enable environmental specialists to perform assessments of hazardous waste and environmentally impacted sites more accurately and to confidently manage uncertainty and error at every phase of a remediation project
Geostatistical Error Management Quantifying Uncertainty ~ Geostatistical Error Management Geostatistical modeling conceptsand techniques have become daily practice in mining s because these precise analytical tools help professionalsquantify uncertainty and make objective decisions in the face ofthorny real world challenges
Geostatistical Error Management Quantifying Uncertainty ~ 2001 Geostatistical Error Management Quantifying Uncertainty for Environmental Sampling and Mapping Technometrics Vol 43 No 2 pp 238239
0471285560 Geostatistical Error Management Quantifying ~ Geostatistical Error Management Quantifying Uncertainty for Environmental Sampling and Mapping by Jeffrey C Myers and a great selection of related books art and
Geostatistical error management quantifying uncertainty ~ Progress in environmental remote sensing research and applications proceedings of the 15th EARSeL Symposium Basel Switzerland 46 September 1995 edited by E Parlow
Geostatistical error management quantifying uncertainty ~ Note Citations are based on reference standards However formatting rules can vary widely between applications and fields of interest or study The specific requirements or preferences of your reviewing publisher classroom teacher institution or organization should be applied
Quantifying the Impacts of Uncertainty SpringerLink ~ Quantified uncertainty and geostatistical methods are increasingly being referenced explicitly in mineral resource and reserve codes This does not require rewriting the reporting codes but it does mean that there is a need to establish a general accepted framework for the quantification of all sources of uncertainty
Geostatistical Conditional Simulation for the Assessment ~ Vann J Bertoli O and Jackson S 2002 An overview of geostatistical simulation for quantifying risk Proceedings of the Geostatistical Association of Australasia Symposium “Quantifying Risk and Error” Google Scholar
Geostatistical conditional simulation for the assessment ~ How to Cite Ersoy A Yunsel T Y and Atici Ü 2008 Geostatistical conditional simulation for the assessment of contaminated land by abandoned heavy metal
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